Marie Jo

Showing 1–12 of 22 results

Since 1981, Marie Jo has created perfect-fitting and fashion forward lingerie. Their primary focus is to honour and empower women. For more than 35 years, it has been the trusty backbone of many women’s wardrobes.

Based in Belgium, Marie Jo is known for their discreet luxury approach and exceptional attention to quality and craft. Moreover, Marie Jo chooses to broadcast a new philosophy on womanhood and a different vision on sexy. One where women can wear their confidence anytime, anywhere. The brand strives to make every woman feel on top of the world every time she wears her Marie Jo.

Here at Victoria’s Little Bra Shop, we stock the ever-so popular everyday Avero range, famous for its delicate daisy embroidered straps. Furthermore, the luxurious Jane series with its pearl detailing is also a firm favourite with our customers. 

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Original price was: £107.00.Current price is: £53.50.
Original price was: £107.00.Current price is: £53.50.
32D 32E 34C 34D
32C 32D 32E 34C 34D 36C 36E
32C 32D 32E 32F 34C 34D 34E 34F 36C 36D 36E